‘Wake up Six’…Wise Advice!

'Andy, be serious...you aren't trying. You're whinning.' This was Nigel, Stanley Tucci's character, boldy honest response to Andy Sachs, Anne Hathaway's character, expressing frustration from not receiving credit in her minimal efforts with her job. The monolog that follows puts into persective that a whiny attitude leads to nothing good. Nigel's final advice...'Wake Up Six'. The situation she see's as not benefiting her, is in fact an opportunity she should be embracing with more gratitude than entitlement. If you haven't seen this movie (Devil Wears Prada), I highly recommend it. 

This scene is one that really hits me personally and has always been one of my favorite movie lines. It's almost become a kind of a mantra for me. Hence, naming this blog after it! For me, it's always been a call to step back from how I view life and take a broader perspective. Sometimes the best strategy in life is to change gears and try something different. Perspective is really a massive tool in surviving just about anything in this life! 

I began this blog twelve years ago...crazy to think about. I haven't posted to it in a very long time and, honestly, can't even recall what it was I was trying to reinvent when I did begin this journey. But at this moment in time, I'm feeling that stirring again that is found in this mantra. To attempt to change views. Maybe it's because of this insane pandemic year. Maybe it's because I'm at a crossroad in my own life and feeling a little like Andy in this scene. I'm not certain. But I'm feeling it...so I'm going to run with it. 

If anyone is out there and happens to stumble on my musings, I invite you to come with me on a life exploration. Let's abandon the frustration and boredoms. Let's let go of our angst and feelings of entitlement. Let's seek more gratitude for the situations we are in and find ways to take control of them! Wake up! 

What will that look like? That's a great question...one thing I'm really good at is seeking inspriation and studying life. Recently, I've been pondering on what a sophisticated, classy life looks like and how to improve my life to be a little more of that. It feels like life has gotten a little stale. Do you ever feel that way? One of my favorite periods of history was the Golden Age of Hollywood. Grace Kelly, Cary Grant, and Kathrine Hepburn style. The time where fashion was classic, people spoke with eloquence and wisdom, and there were standards in living. Does anyone else ever feel like we've gotten a bit sloppy and uncouth? Maybe that is the place to begin. Refine and elevate our current lives. Hope you will stick around for the journey. Thanks for listening.
